Z-SUITE 3.0.0 BETA released

Z-SUITE 3.0.0 BETA has just been released!

First, we’re sharing this beta version with the owners of Zortrax M Series Plus and Zortrax Endureal 3D printers.

Try out new and powerful features, such as multiple contours, for improved durability and precision in your prints. Full changelog available below:

  • Added new Infill patterns:
    * Gyroid (Patt. 4),
    * Triangular (Patt. 5),
    * Concentric (Patt. 6).
  • Added the Outer Walls option – it is now possible to change the number of contours in models. Higher numbers of contours increase the model’s durability, whereas smaller numbers reduce the print time,
  • Added the Offset Inner Contours option. It is now possible to change the distance between inner and outer contours – with smaller offset values both contours will be printed closer to each other, whereas bigger offset values reduce over-extrusion (this option applies also to models printed in the Shell mode),
  • The Normal Seam mode is now called Auto,
  • Added the Avoid overhangs checkbox in the Seam section. When checked, the slicer will not generate the seam on overhanging layers (if it’s possible),
  • Added 3 new Seam modes:
    * User specified,
    * Inner corner,
    * Sharpest corner.
  • Improved the quality of thin walls. The infill for thin walls is now generated as a single path with variable material feeding – this reduces the printer’s vibrations and artifacts such as holes on horizontal surfaces in small elements,
  • Added the Print Too Thin Walls – when checked, walls thinner than approximately 0.4 mm will be sliced and printed. Additionally, walls with measurements in the range of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 mm will be printed with a single path to achieve best quality and accuracy. (Final measurements depend on the nozzle’s diameter.)
  • Improved the quality of slanted surfaces – such areas are now smoother and bonded more effectively,
  • Improved the quality of blocks of support – such areas are now smoother and do not have unnecessary elements,
  • Improved the stability of top surfaces – such areas are now smoother and supported more effectively,
  • Improved bonding between the first layer and the rest of the print for models consisting of only several layers – reduced the risk of layer separation,
  • It is now possible to add supports for models printed in the Shell mode,
  • Added the Concentric infill mode in the Solid infill type. The Concentric infill consists of contours that form a concentric shape, improving the part’s durability,
  • It is now possible to display a single layer of a model in the Preview step. To do that, it is necessary to clear the checkbox All layers on the toolbar on the right.

Remember that this version can be unstable, and the program will send data on its performance to our servers. You can also give your feedback or report a bug here.

Also, have a look at Zortrax blog where the major changes were explicitly explained.

Let us know what you think, and help improve the features available in the final version :slight_smile:

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No support for the Inventure?

Able to support M300?

Hello all,

we still do support Zortrax M200, M300, Inventure and Inkspire printers in terms of technical support, troubleshooting and replacement parts. However, apart from providing fixes for any critical bugs - no further firmware and software updates will be available for these machines.

What a bad move!! Dear Zortrax team, how can we customers with older printer models ever trust you again? In our company, we have a M200, which is running very reliable and stable like a tank. How would you convice us, buying a newer model of your printers, if we can expect it to be cut off the market in the near future? Adding an older printer model into ZS3 is (developement- wise) not a big deal. This is just an unfair marketing strategiy, your customers will not forget. Be sure!

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