Dear users,

Z-SUITE 3.3.0 BETA has just been released. Full changelog below:

  • Added new profiles for Kimya ABS-ESD and BASF Ultrafuse® PAHT CF15 for Zortrax M300 Dual,
  • Added 0.3 and 0.6 mm nozzle diameter to selected profiles for M Series Plus printers,
  • Adjustments of selected profiles for M Series Plus, M300 Dual, and Zortrax Endureal,
  • Added new profiles for Liqcreate Strong-X, Liqcreate Composite-X, Liqcreate Flexible-X, Liqcreate ESD, Liqcreate Hazard Glow for Zortrax Inskpire 2,
  • Added 0.1 mm layer thickness values for BASF Ultracur3D RG1100, Ultracur3D EL 4000, Ultracur3D FL 60 for Zortrax Inskpire 2,
  • Improved connections between support pillars and models on Inkspire 2: supports now leave less marks on models’ surfaces,
  • Added a new switch which hides the preview of support pillars in the Support step on Inkspire 2. This allows you to better assess the areas that require support and edit individual pillars,
  • Performance improvements: the program now uses .NET framework 7.0.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where .zprojx files saved on macOS system couldn’t be opened on Windows,
  • Fixed a bug where loading files with incorrect 3D model data would cause an incorrect warning message to appear. Now, the program will show the “File reading error” message.

You can download Z-SUITE 3.2.0 here .

Please, feel free to share your feedback.