Z-SUITE 3.5.0 released

Z-SUITE 3.5.0 has just been released. Full changelog below:

  • Added new profiles for BASF Ultrafuse ABS, BASF Ultrafuse PET CF 15, BASF Ultrafuse 316L, BASF Ultrafuse 17-4 PH, 3DXTech CARBONX PETG+CF, KIMYA ABS-ESD, KIMYA PETG CARBON, Nanovia PETGCF for Zortrax M300 Dual,
  • Added new profiles for Z-ABS, Z-ULTRAT, Z-PLA, BASF Ultrafuse ABS, BASF Ultrafuse PPSU, BASF Ultrafuse PCABS/FR, BASF Ultrafuse 316L, BASF Ultrafuse 17-4 PH, Nanovia PA6, Nanovia PCABS RAIL, Nanovia PABS V0, Z-PEEK with Z-SUPPORT 130 (amorphous), VICTREX PAEK AM200 Z-SUPPORT 130 (amorphous) for Zortrax Endureal,
  • Added new profiles for Liqcreate Strong-X, Liqcreate Composite-X, Liqcreate Flexible-X, Liqcreate ESD, Liqcreate Hazard Glow for Zortrax Inskpire 2,
  • Added new Infill patterns:
    Gyroid (Patt. 4),
    Triangular (Patt. 5),
    Concentric (Patt. 6).
    models. Higher numbers of contours increase the model’s durability, whereas smaller numbers reduce the print time,
  • Added the Offset Inner Contours option. It is now possible to change the distance between inner and outer contours – with smaller offset values both contours will be printed closer to each other, whereas bigger offset values reduce over-extrusion (this option applies also to models printed in the Shell mode),
  • The Normal Seam mode is now called Auto,
  • Added the Avoid overhangs checkbox in the Seam section. When checked, the slicer will not generate the seam on overhanging layers (if it’s possible),
  • Added 3 new Seam modes:
    User specified,
    Inner corner,
    Sharpest corner.
  • Added the Outer Walls option – it is now possible to change the number of contours in models. Higher numbers of contours increase the model’s durability, whereas smaller numbers reduce the print time,
  • Added the Print Too Thin Walls – when checked, walls thinner than approximately 0.4 mm will be sliced and printed. Additionally, walls with measurements in the range of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 mm will be printed with a single path to achieve best quality and accuracy. (Final measurements depend on the nozzle’s diameter.)
  • Improved Smart Bridges areas,
  • Improved the quality of slanted surfaces – such areas are now smoother and bonded more effectively,
  • Improved the quality of blocks of support – such areas are now smoother and do not have unnecessary elements,
  • Improved the stability of top surfaces – such areas are now smoother and supported more effectively,
  • Improved bonding between the first layer and the rest of the print for models consisting of only several layers – reduced the risk of layer separation,
  • It is now possible to add supports for models printed in the Shell mode,
    Improved connections between support pillars and models on Inkspire 2: supports now leave less marks on models’ surfaces,
  • Added the Concentric infill mode in the Solid infill type. The Concentric infill consists of contours that form a concentric shape, improving the part’s durability,
  • It is now possible to display a single layer of a model in the Preview step. To do that, it is necessary to clear the checkbox All layers on the toolbar on the right
  • Added new material profiles including BASF Ultrafuse Metal.

You can download Z-SUITE 3.5.0 here. We will greatly appreciate your feedback.

Can’t open project made with the previous version. I need to rollback. Where can I download the previous software version please?

The Inskpire has disappeared from the selection of Zortrax printers, and it is no longer possible to select Tough resin in the material group. What is this update about ??


Is the m200 no longer supported in the latest stable/recomended zsuite?


About M200 owners (normal M200 not Plus): is V2.32 last usable Z-Suite version for our old printer?
I know this model is out of production and discontinued but would be good to know which models are supported in the changelog or be adviced before downloading and installing the new software.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Im dumb, I checked already and I didn’t even notice the other versions bellow. Dont know what my brain saw but that wasn’t it. Perhaps because the jump between the latest and the previous version was so big… anyway got it, thanks!

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Please, before downloading and installing, advice users about software’s limits:

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Yeah that would help greatly. I shouldnt need to search through forums to find this. However the correct way to do this would of course be to actually support the older hardware that still works great, and be able to open older projects and convert them to the new format. But not informing about these limitations is just silly.

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