Z-suite and Mac OS15

Z-suite do not work with Mac OS15 beta. Will it work with the final version?

Hi @Bodo

We haven’t yet tested Z-Suite on a macOS 15 machine. Could you please provide more details about the issue you’re experiencing? Any specific error messages, steps to reproduce the problem, or screenshots would be helpful.

Hi Damian,
when I try to open the program, it starts loading but it doesn’t open and finished the opening procedure without showing anything. So I can not send you no error message or screenshot.

Understood, I’ll need you to provide me more info. Please check your DMs.

Last login: Mon Jul 29 21:18:20 on console
/Applications/Z-Suite.app/Contents/MacOS/Z-Suite ; exit;
bodo@Bodos-Mac-mini-2 ~ % /Applications/Z-Suite.app/Contents/MacOS/Z-Suite ; exit;
2024-07-29 21:24:40.249 Z-Suite[2183:22446] getMetalPluginClassForService: Failed to find bundle for accelerator bundle named: AGXMetalA12 errno: 0
2024-07-29 21:24:41.709 system_profiler[2204:22684] getMetalPluginClassForService: Failed to find bundle for accelerator bundle named: AGXMetalA12 errno: 0
2024-07-29 21:24:42.810 Z-Suite[2183:22446] +[IMKClient subclass]: chose IMKClient_Legacy
2024-07-29 21:24:42.938 Z-Suite[2183:22446] Warning: The declared constraints for <NSToolbarItemViewer: 0x7fe33a799310 ‘(null)’> were previously invalidated only because a declared constraint was snipped or manually deactivated. This indicates missing invalidation for a view’s changing state that affects its declared constraints. To debug, set a breakpoint on _NSViewRemovedDeclaredConstraintBreakpoint
2024-07-29 21:24:42.940 Z-Suite[2183:22446] Warning: The declared constraints for <NSToolbarItemViewer: 0x7fe33a7a4270 ‘(null)’> were previously invalidated only because a declared constraint was snipped or manually deactivated. This indicates missing invalidation for a view’s changing state that affects its declared constraints. To debug, set a breakpoint on _NSViewRemovedDeclaredConstraintBreakpoint
2024-07-29 21:24:43.009 Z-Suite[2183:22446] Warning: The declared constraints for <NSToolbarItemViewer: 0x7fe33a7ecd00 ‘(null)’> were previously invalidated only because a declared constraint was snipped or manually deactivated. This indicates missing invalidation for a view’s changing state that affects its declared constraints. To debug, set a breakpoint on _NSViewRemovedDeclaredConstraintBreakpoint
2024-07-29 21:24:43.009 Z-Suite[2183:22446] Warning: The declared constraints for <NSToolbarItemViewer: 0x7fe33a7f0280 ‘(null)’> were previously invalidated only because a declared constraint was snipped or manually deactivated. This indicates missing invalidation for a view’s changing state that affects its declared constraints. To debug, set a breakpoint on _NSViewRemovedDeclaredConstraintBreakpoint
2024-07-29 21:24:43.009 Z-Suite[2183:22446] Warning: The declared constraints for <NSToolbarItemViewer: 0x7fe33a7f1b20 ‘(null)’> were previously invalidated only because a declared constraint was snipped or manually deactivated. This indicates missing invalidation for a view’s changing state that affects its declared constraints. To debug, set a breakpoint on _NSViewRemovedDeclaredConstraintBreakpoint
2024-07-29 21:24:43.319 Z-Suite[2183:22446] warning: exception inside UnhandledException handler: (null) assembly:/Applications/Z-Suite.app/Contents/MonoBundle/mscorlib.dll type:NullReferenceException member:(null)
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Foundation.ObjCException: NSInternalInconsistencyException: NSToolbar 0x6000029ef3c0 already contains an item with the identifier LogoButton. Duplicate items of this type are not allowed.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_nint(intptr,intptr,intptr,System.nint)
at AppKit.NSToolbar.InsertItem (System.String itemIdentifier, System.nint index) [0x0002c] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/build/mac/mobile/AppKit/NSToolbar.g.cs:206
at A. (AppKit.NSToolbar , System.Boolean ) [0x000e7] in <5957d208b30041af9623bb30e811eb91>:0
at A. (System.Object , System.EventArgs ) [0x0011e] in <5957d208b30041af9623bb30e811eb91>:0
at AppKit.NSWindow+_NSWindowDelegate.DidBecomeKey (Foundation.NSNotification notification) [0x00011] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/build/mac/mobile/AppKit/NSWindow.g.cs:11063
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —

at (wrapper managed-to-native) AppKit.NSApplication.NSApplicationMain(int,string)
at AppKit.NSApplication.Main (System.String args) [0x00040] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/AppKit/NSApplication.cs:109
at A…
(System.String ) [0x00005] in <5957d208b30041af9623bb30e811eb91>:0

Saving session…
…copying shared history…
…saving history…truncating history files…

[Prozess beendet]

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Thanks, that helps a lot.

We’ll look into it. Could you also provide details on your Mac (what model it is, etc?).

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Mac mini 2023 with M2 chip and 8 GB memory, Apple Studio Display,

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Since the latest IOS 15.1 update works z-suite already

There Is any news about the compatibilty with Sequoia???

Yes, Sequoia 15.1 latest beta is compatible. My mistake MacOS and not IOS

I don’t want to use the beta version of Mac OS because of the risk to other applications, what is going on right now with Mac OS 15.0? I am experiencing difficulties at work.