Z-Suite quality is low

I did a comparaison between Z-Suite / M300+ and PrusaSlicer / Prusa Mini+
Same 0.4 mm nozzle. Same material brand (just color that changed). Grey is Zortrax, white is Prusa.
Z-Suite have some issues that Prusa slicer shows it’s possible:

  • Holes on small details
  • Ghost lines when it continues some areas.

Could you fix it please ? The is the project file to test your modifications.

Repwinder stand.zprojx (2.3 MB)

The holes are a software issue. Is that scheduled to fix it ?

Hi Fabien,

this is seam - these holes indicate the starting point of every new layer. Once you set “normal” seam instead of “random” one - its location will slightly change:


Best regards,

Hi Karolina,
It s not just that. Quality is low (holes in the products). If you look at the differences, Prusa slicer manages it better. Could you rise the output quality level of Z-suite to have an equivalent to others. My customers make pressure for these kind of issues.
Another solution could be to open to gcode to use another slicer.