Dear Users,

in response to the needs our community has expressed over the years, we’re sharing a new tool which allows you to convert .gcode to .zcode and .zcodex2 files. It is available in the Download section at Zortrax Support Center: 3D Printing Software and Firmware for Zortrax Machines | Zortrax Support Center. The tool requires installing Java on your computer.

Navigating through the converter is easy and exporting a .zcode or .zcodex file takes place in a few steps. The detailed operating instructions are available in the README text file you can access after the installation.

Feel free to share your feedback.

Hello Karolina,
This seems to be a great news!
Anyway, I have just tried to convert a gcode file (originally made with Cura v5.2.1 for the Elegoo Neptune 2S) for my M200 Plus, but when I try to open it with Zsuite it gives me the error “Error while opening file”…

It s a good new but it s made at half…
Zortrax give a download link with 3 lines of explanation and nothing else. Very sad .

Zortrax should take the example of prusa.

Complete tutorial with all parameters you have to input in cura , profile and bed …

Here we have a simple java converter from the end of the war and you have to be lucky if you want that works .

Zortrax printer are fabulous but all around is so poor … A z suite beta from one year… Poor support…

I m sorry but zortrax is a professional printer and you have to give the tools with … The possibility to use all the slicer you want … And it’s not done … You have just a poor converter.

I think I will replace all my zortrax … I m very disappointed

Hello Giuseppe,

please note that while working on the tool, we did not intend to allow opening converted files in Z-SUITE. They should be used directly on the printer. However, thank you for your feedback.

Thank you for the Gcode Converter, Zortrax Team.
I was able to successfully use Prusa Slicer on our M200 to print a 3d bench boat on one of our M200 printers. I used the stock MK3S+ profile, just changing the build volume.

The features I most like about Prusa Slicer and Cura is the ability to use Gyroid infill and control the number of perimeters.

Please let the team know that a list of supported gcodes would be very useful.
For instance, does M201 acceleration control work?
M600 pause for filament change?


the zortrax material profile for some other slicers will be nice too

Hi Karolina,

thanks for sharing this awesome tool. This is great news!
I’ve done some tests, and basically, all worked fine for me.
After playing with the GCODE, I’ve discovered that some typical commands work as expected, for example, the M106 command to set the fan speed.
However, the community would appreciate a list of the supported GCODE commands.
It would also be great to have the possibility to specify the material type since the actual version of the tool sets a default value to Z-ABS, and therefore the printer warns for the wrong material when the print starts.
So, we all hope for further information about this tool…

Thank you very much.

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What would be great is to have a zortrax z-suite equivalent profile for cura or prusa slicer, or at least know the acceleration and speed settings that should be provided as a base. Yet this still seems like a band-aid solution for an inferior software/firmware. Why not open the firmware to accept gcode files as well as zcode files natively. This will allow for seemless slicing from both sides open and closed source. the hardware can definitely support this. if only the developers would…

It would be nice if You provide at least list of basic gcode functions that are supported like how to set up fan speed in g code to be converted etc.

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I put in a gcode and when I try to preview or save it, it freezes.
What could be the cause of this problem?
I would be very happy if you could give me some sample zee code that I can use with some success.

I solved the problem.
Since the environment used was Mac, I was able to convert it when I did it in Windows.

This definitely works on my stock M200 using Z-ABS and the latest alpha release of PrusaSlicer with organic supports. Very easy to remove supports and minimal scarring. The raft options in PrusaSlicer are not great however and I see some minor issues with bed adhesion even with the fan turned off on the initial raft layers.

Printer Settings
I started with a stock MK3S+ profile and simply changed the build volume, as stated by Jeremy_GUP earlier in this thread.

Filament Settings
I started with a Generic ABS profile and used 275 degrees for the nozzle temperature along with 80 degrees for the bed temperature. Fan speed max value was bumped up to 100%. These values were based on posts elsewhere by 0xDeadBeef.

Surface finish quality was excellent, and I am looking forward to trying out files I would previously not have attempted on my M200.

Bed adhesion using PrusaSlicer rafts seems okay as long as layer height is 0.2mm. with fan off for raft layers. Leaving fan off for the first two layers of model allows easy separation of raft from model.

I already tried PrusaSlicer as well as Cura, with varying results.

What I would have really liked to read here from the Zortrax Team or in the HowTo would be the Standard Start-End-G-Code that would be equivalent to what the Z-Suite creates (the homing routine etc.) as well as a compatibility List, which M/G-Commands and accompanied Parameters are supported.

e.g. the homing routine with a simple G28 is not doing the same as it does when created by the Z-Suite.

I understand wanting to have a bit more guidance than what was provided with the converter, but a bit of digging for info and then running less than a dozen test prints to fine tune settings is not bad as far as required effort to get great looking prints with breakaway support.

Having said that, it would be fantastic to see Zortrax develop and share printer and filament profiles with Prusa and Ultimaker. Considering how much market share PrusaSlicer and Cura have, it might bring Zortrax attention from the consumer market again.

Hi Karolina,

Have anyone from Zortrax tested this converter with m300dual? May I have the setting for whatever gcode slicer you have tested on? I do want to try this by myself but also concerning about the risk of damaging my machine :frowning:

Kind regard


Hello SHaager,
It is good idea, for Start-End-G-Code procedure, as you mentioned. Can you find any info for your questions?

@zortrax supporters,

can you update me/us any info for gcode start/end procedures?

thank you for sharing,

Hi guys,
I needed to print some special parts or parts for which I already had Gcode and I downloaded the converter and tried to use it.

At the beginning, reached G28, the auto-alignment function did not work properly and in the bottom-left corner the bed continued to push after touching the nozzle, so I shutdown the printer.

How to avoid this?

M200 with converted file from PrusaSlicer Marlin GCode

Thanks in advance,

Use a G92 command after the G28.
Just be careful to set the Z value in the G92 Command to the proper value, it’s not 0 after G28.

What has worked for me:
Material: ASA
Bed t: 95
Nozzle temp only first layer: 255°C
Rest of print: 245 °C
First layer height (raft): 0,35 mm

Z value for G92: 0,20 mm

This combination brought good bed adhesion for me.