Dear users,
After thorough tests, we are happy to introduce you to our new product, Zortrax inCloud . It’s a cloud-based smart 3D printing management system that enables users to manage clusters of 3D printers, as well as the teams using them. With the inCloud, you’ll be able to track all the activities of your Zortrax 3D printers in real-time and access their printing history when needed.
You can try Zortrax inCloud for free! Register your devices to Zortrax ID and sign up to Zortrax inCloud. No matter if you want to control one or a hundred devices, you can find a solution best suited to your needs.
Among the features of inCloud you will find:
remote printing
teams management
live notifications.
With our solution, you will save time, boost productivity, and increase your production capacity at once.
We described the core functionalities of Zortrax inCloud in detail in our article.