Zortrax is good or other 3D printer ?


I'm interested in your thought guys cause you have tested the Zortrax.

I am interested in this 3D printer almost for Z ultrat because I need the printer the most accurate as possible. But there is 8 week lead time ...

Now you have tested this printer, could you tell me if your choice would have changed to an other printer AND what are the other printer in the same range of price/quality ?


I'm having problems with Z accuracy... From 0.3 to a whole milemeter....

On X'y you can have the exac dimension but you have to calculate manually the offset for outer model and for inner, such as holes.

The Zortrax is my first experience with 3D printers and I have to say that I am pretty impressed with it so far.  What sort of accuracy do you need and on what sort of features?


Its a very simple part...


Is a simple part with 0.5 tolerances of aasembly

the tabs with te part oriented on its side should measure 17mm tall. I'm getting 17.3,17.32,17.33,17.34... Have produced it 5 times an those a the results.

I also build a simple L shape wich is 75.16 mm tall and i'm getting 76.16 that is a lot of deviation on the mid size around 40 mm I get around 0.75 to 0.85 deviation, wich again is a lot.

You expect from a process like this a general deviation in al axes of 0.3 to 0.4 but not a whole 1 mm.

X and Y axes are fine they are around that value and if you tweak the outer contour you can get the exact value. But Z axis is a complete mess.

I use my Zortrax for business, beside the small this and that, for the money, It is the best printer right now you can buy.

The quality of zortrax prints are the best I have seen. 

To: ahntlia

I did lubricate the Z screw with a liquid silicon graphite grease,

that made my inaccuracy be come negligent. I can keep .2 mm tolerance repeatedly.

on the never model, instead ball screw , they use regular acme screw  (major disappointment)

Grater friction, may be a cause of your Z inaccuracy. just an assumption.


Overall the Zortrax is the best “closed source” printer for the money at the moment. Period. My opinion.

The up is on the same level (even a bit better in regards to software features at this moment…) but the build envelope is significantly smaller.

@dr j

If the z screw would have so much friction that the stepper looses steps then the parts would be too small, not too tall. I have a hard time believing that lubrication of the lead screw was the issue…

I use my Zortrax for business, beside the small this and that, for the money, It is the best printer right now you can buy.

The quality of zortrax prints are the best I have seen. 

To: ahntlia

I did lubricate the Z screw with a liquid silicon graphite grease,

that made my inaccuracy be come negligent. I can keep .2 mm tolerance repeatedly.

on the never model, instead ball screw , they use regular acme screw  (major disappointment)

Grater friction, may be a cause of your Z inaccuracy. just an assumption.


Dr-J.. We use lead screws on our linear rails for time lapse photography. The problem isn't the screw. I think the calibration in the code is off. The pitch may not be identical to the ball screw. This causes an issue.

Very good point Kyle. The Z axis is well lubricated with the white grease provided. I have some Trigel this is the lubricant used on the 400 Mc on the lead screws.

I will give it a try