Support premium material jams inside upper extruder assembly twice (not in the replaceable hot end part but in the one with the motor and the feed)

Hi Tiroler,

I kind of gave up on my zortrax a little bit. I got contacted by the support, where I was asked what is wrong with the printer. I explained in detail what is wrong (the above) and the fact that there seem to be issues with the printer missing print time (which I found out after I made the above post) Basically my printer is showing 66 hours of print where it should be showing somewhere close to 300.

Anyway, got the printer sent off to the support place, all my initial concerns were literary ignored and the printer just got a basic maintenance. I got a note inside the printer saying that I should clean it more often. More often than what? Every 15 minutes because my print stops? I was supposed to get materials that i wasted back, but that did not materialise either. I am quite dissapointed.

Now on to your questions: The support material is very sensitive to moisture. While in use you have to feed it from something like ‘Polybox Edition II’ - its a basic climate control box with desiccant sachets and hygrometer. When not in use I recommend vacuum sealing the roll with more desiccant sachets, unless you want to waste £120. If you think your support material might have gotten too much moisture, try to listen to it when it extrudes. If you hear faint but noticeable popping sound (akin to processed cheese being squeezed out of a tub :slight_smile: ) then your support material is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. If it doesn’t make that sound when extruding then the issue will be somewhere else but I have no idea where.

I really want to love my Zortrax but so far the experience was that of a disappointment and frustration.
