The guy make the misterious ... but he say that he do not use z-temp and him m200 is 100% original ... it's only a firmware+software modification and with he can choise temp raft y/n and much other.
So the question is: is there in the web some modded firmware & zsuite or it's a troll guy ???
Finally you woke up Z-Staff, they are very interested in this post. :D
If that guy is the same that contacted me and others in another chat he's just a troll.
When he wanted to explain to me what he 'has done' I immediately was aware that he has no clue of what it is about writing / hacking firm/software.
He just used PhotoShop to create some fakes.
My statement on a hacked M200 firmware (and anything else will not do anything) is: It's not worth the time since Z will withdraw it with the next release.
Just my 5 cents with a 30+ years experience in software development.
Temperature changes are easy but I just started experimenting with removing the raft. Offset handling would have been the next step (easy but somewhat futile without removing the raft).
Now I'm wondering if it makes sense to continue. Guess I just wasted a few days of my life ;)
Even if only 2nd or third, I think I now can (also) remove rafts automatically...
Well, I can only speak for myself and I must emphasize that I didn't actually print anything yet. In fact, I don't even own an M200 so I can't even check if my ZCode files would be accepted by the printer. I'd think so though.
Anyway, I toyed (still toy) with the idea to buy a M200 but while I don't mind so much to buy Zortrax filament for best results, the closed nature of the system scares me away to some degree.
Partly because of the lack of PLA printing but also because a closed system is also a dangerous investment as you're kinda screwed if the company is closed down one day.
So I wondered how encrypted the ZCode format really is and found out it isn't at all. As a quick search for related project didn't give any results at that time, I started writing a tool to decode/encode ZCode about a week ago.
It's still work in progress and probably will never be really polished and safe to use, but at least I can patch temperatures, remove the raft and apply an offset.
Apart from reading/writing ZCode, it can also read/write a plain text format I called ZDump. So I can edit this text file manually and then convert it back to ZCode.
Regarding the print process, I would assume that you could either remove the raft and print on tape as long as the conductive parts needed for leveling are not covered.
I would guess you could also pause the printer after leveling, put a glass plate on the build plate and print a model on the glass by applying an offset that reflects the height of the glass plate.
Then again, as I don't own an M200, I need to guess there.
Well, I can only speak for myself and I must emphasize that I didn't actually print anything yet. In fact, I don't even own an M200 so I can't even check if my ZCode files would be accepted by the printer. I'd think so though.
Anyway, I toyed (still toy) with the idea to buy a M200 but while I don't mind so much to buy Zortrax filament for best results, the closed nature of the system scares me away to some degree.
Partly because of the lack of PLA printing but also because a closed system is also a dangerous investment as you're kinda screwed if the company is closed down one day.
So I wondered how encrypted the ZCode format really is and found out it isn't at all. As a quick search for related project didn't give any results at that time, I started writing a tool to decode/encode ZCode about a week ago.
It's still work in progress and probably will never be really polished and safe to use, but at least I can patch temperatures, remove the raft and apply an offset.
Apart from reading/writing ZCode, it can also read/write a plain text format I called ZDump. So I can edit this text file manually and then convert it back to ZCode.
Regarding the print process, I would assume that you could either remove the raft and print on tape as long as the conductive parts needed for leveling are not covered.
I would guess you could also pause the printer after leveling, put a glass plate on the build plate and print a model on the glass by applying an offset that reflects the height of the glass plate.
Then again, as I don't own an M200, I need to guess there.
Do you have any intentions to release the program in the near future?
Phew, that's a good question right now. I wanted to release it as open source at some point, but there are several factors that make me wonder if I should release it at all.