Sorry but you can’t be serious… this will not help with the raft sticking to strong to the print… why going for Z-PLA if that does not print out of the box?
I'm gone try with Z-tool and simplify3d... if Zortrax can't do it others have to...
Go ahead but bear in mind thats gonna violate warranty terms.
Sorry but you can't be serious... this will not help with the raft sticking to strong to the print... why going for Z-PLA if that does not print out of the box?
It probably going to help with raft printing, when you'll get clean raft, removing it should be much easier.
ps. have you printed with GLASS, PETG, ESD recently?
Marcin your help is much appreciated but I have serious questions here... why is Zortrax launching a product and not setting the parameters in the software correctly?
I'm re-printed my object with Z-tool and simplify3d... it's looking very good so far (raft looks perfect and extrusion works flawless)... you have to put initial z-position definitely + 0.2mm and temperature to 215. Bed temparature to 50... that should do the trick...
It would be so simple to have happy customers imho...
- Yes I've printed PETG recently... stringing as usual but okay... Glass is also a problem with removing raft... I stopped already after the first tries month ago...
- Yes it helps... it's a shame but it really really helps. It's possible to do things that are not possible with z-suite and it helps to eliminate the worst issues of your software... but I'm sure with z-suite 2.0 eeeverything will change yes?
Listen Marcin I'm really sorry but all I want to do is to print... that's all I want... and I pay for it. And if you sell a material called Z-PLA PRO (did you read the PRO?), put banners on facebook etc. you should really be able to provide a firmware and a software package that is able to do the job. If z-suite 2.0 will be able that was really great but then you should mention this in the online store. The Z-PLA is damn expensive if I add taxes etc. and so the expectations are high.
My earlier dealer would laugh at me but meanwhile I really miss the Raise3D N2 I switched over from to the M300... it's a pitty but it is the truth... only you, Zortrax, can change this feeling.
To carify my problem in very little sentences so you can understand why I'm not in the best mood:
I wanted to print something BIG (remeber? it's your slogan)
I can't print something BIG
Why? There's NO material which is printable without bending, warping etc. (PLA was the solution)