Z-Suite 1.3.0 & Windows 10, no error but options missing

Installed Z-Suite 1.3.0 on a clean install of win 10, no problems but when i start i get below screen. no options are shown.



I have the latest graphics drivers opengl and ms framework installed.

Anyone knows what is going wrong



Try changing screen resolution..

Try changing screen resolution..

I will try if changing it helps, but i'm using the same resolution i had under windows 8.1 (1920x1080) which worked fine

I had a similar problem with some other 3d related programs when I installed windows 10 pro , I had to download the latest video card drivers  for windows 10 from the Nvidia to fix the problem

Try changing screen resolution..

Changing screen resolution doesn't help

I had a similar problem with some other 3d related programs when I installed windows 10 pro , I had to download the latest video card drivers  for windows 10 from the Nvidia to fix the problem

Have already the latest NVidia drivers installed.

Good thing I haven't downgraded to Win 10 yet... I'll stick with 7..

I use Windows 95 but I'm thinking of upgrading to 98. B)

Installed Z-Suite 1.3.0 on a clean install of win 10, no problems but when i start i get below screen. no options are shown.


I have the latest graphics drivers opengl and ms framework installed.

Anyone knows what is going wrong




Uninstalled NVidiadriver 359, and installed NVidiadriver 355.97 and now i see the options in the left pane and in the bottum i have the info showing but the options in top centre are missing. to be continued.


After reboot not working anymore? getting really confused. even without any nvidia driver installed it is not working.?

I'm actually on windows 10 with an older Nvidia card Geforce GTX 550 Ti and I can run the latest Z-suit with no issues. Maybe your missing some framework components or something along those lines.

Try with older version of Z-Suite maybe it can solve problem temporary

Try with older version of Z-Suite maybe it can solve problem temporary

Z-Suite v1.1.0 is working on my windows 10 pro, Z-Suite v1.2.0 & v1.3.0 not, so i think it has something to do with the eo.base.dll, eo.webingine.dll & webbrowser.dll used in version 1.2.0 and higher

It’s à common driver problem, try an other version for opengl 2.0

I'm actually on windows 10 with an older Nvidia card Geforce GTX 550 Ti and I can run the latest Z-suit with no issues. Maybe your missing some framework components or something along those lines.

I'm curious at what level NVidia driver you are? (i'm using a GTX970 with latest drivers), i have .net framework 4.6 installed. did you install older versions of .net framework?

I attached the driver version that I'm on for my graphics card. I thought I was on the latest version, but I'm behind around octocber driver version. Not sure what framework versions I have on my machine, but I just noticed that Z-Suite is got some HTML thing going on in it. If you right click on the bottom you can click view source. So figured maybe some kind of framework is missing, usually that kind of stuff happens when your dealing with HTML web type apps. CSS or something like that.

Don't know if this helps any, but I tried to run 1.2.1 and got a bunch of error and then it looked how your version looked with all the UI missing.

Don't know if this helps any, but I tried to run 1.2.1 and got a bunch of error and then it looked how your version looked with all the UI missing.

Exactly the same, no UI but i don't get any error messages.

Zortrax programmers are looking into this problem, hopefully we get a fix soon.

Exactly the same, no UI but i don't get any error messages.

Zortrax programmers are looking into this problem, hopefully we get a fix soon.

The new 1.4.0 version of Z-Suite did not solve the problem :(

:huh: That really sucks that 1.4 is still not working properly for you on windows 10. I installed the latest 1.4 and it is working fine for me. Still makes me think your missing something on your windows 10.

:huh: That really sucks that 1.4 is still not working properly for you on windows 10. I installed the latest 1.4 and it is working fine for me. Still makes me think your missing something on your windows 10.

I don't get it, if only it would give me an error message so i know were to look.

I have the latest graphic card drivers from nvidia installed

re-installed all Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages.

re-installed .net framework versions and tested them with the netfx_setupverifier

Have no issues with other programs i use, only Z-Suite :(

Update: can use 1.4.0 now but missing top and bottom options? and it takes a few seconds before the options in left pane show up.